Provided information & products company is committed for the quality, completeness and validity of the information being cited in its website, not only for the exact details described, but also for the services that are provided from the e-shop, subjugated to any technical or typographical errors, that cannot be foreseen or have come up unwillingly, also from malfunctions of the website due to superior forces. The e-shop provides its content (i.e. information, descriptions, photographs, depictions, etc.) for the products and the services that are available via the website “exactly as they are”.
Security is fully aware of the importance of Your Personal Data security issue, as well as your online transactions so it takes all necessary measures, according to the most modern and advanced methods, in order to ensure your maximum possible security. All the information, about your personal data and transactions, are secure and confidential. The security of our E-shop is accomplished by the following methods:
Customer recognition
The codes being used for your identification are these two: the Entrance Code (e-mail or username) and the Personal Secret Security Code (password), which provide you absolute safe access to your personal data every time you register. You are also given the opportunity to change your Personal Secret Security Code (password) as often as you like. You are the only one that have access to your data through the above codes so you are solely responsible for the maintenance of secrecy and concealment by third parties. In case of loss or leakage, you have to inform us immediately, otherwise our e-shop is not responsible for the use of the password by an unauthorized person. We recommend, for security reasons, to change your password on a regular basis and avoid using the same or easily detectable codes (i.e. date of birth)
Ensuring Privacy of Personal Data Transfer
Our E-shop in cooperation with ALPHABANK is using safeguards, that ensure privacy during data transmission (encryption).
Transactions Privacy
Confidentiality is taken for granted. The same basic principles of common transactions apply in case of e-commerce. All the information that transmitted by the user/member to is confidential and has taken all appropriate measures, in order to be used only when it is necessary for the providing service. In no case the e-shop discloses or publishes your personal data and the information that you entrust to us. The personal data that you provide and are available to us, with your membership are used exclusively for the execution of your transactions. All information is encrypted and stored in absolute safety.
Checkout (order completion):
With the completion of your order, the following message displays (example): “YOUR ORDER IS COMPLETE. THANK YOU. Your order number is 01234. Please check your e-mail. We have sent you an e-mail to confirm your order details.”